Kruse Hunting Must Haves
Most all hunting seasons are FINALLY here and I feel like a kid on Christmas!!! Some of the most influential people that have impacted my hunting life have been my Paw-Paw, Don Ross, the late Bill Wilkinson and Craig Hill.

Besides the campfire talks, comradery, watching the world wake up and go to bed, something that makes or breaks a hunting experience is equipment and products.
I wanted to share some of my go to early season setup:
Thermacell – Mosquitos… Nuff said. You never want to be “that” person flinching every 2 seconds because you have mosquitos trying to eat your face off. I never go anywhere without my Thermacell and if you want to have a happy hunting experience, get you one of these!
Binoculars & Range Finder - these are a must to know exactly what you are hunting. My favorite optics right now are the Leica Binocular and Range Finder Combo.
Breathable and functional hunting clothing – I believe in all Sitka Gear products from warm early season to sub-zero temps, their layering system and camo patterns are the best on the market. If you are in the Houston or surrounding areas, Gordy & Sons carry the entire line, all patterns, sizes, men, youth and women! Go check it out!
… Just like everyone prefers their steak cooked a different way, the same goes with the equipment you use. Key here is make sure you are familiar with your bow/firearm, sighted in and you have practiced. Nothing like going hunting and wounding something. That is why you should strive to shoot whatever fits you best and helps you be the most accurate.
When hunting, walking is standard. Make sure to choose a good moisture wicking sock and comfortable, wore in shoe. If you have purchased new shoes for a new hunting season, hop on the treadmill or walk through your neighborhood until you have worn them in properly.
First aid kit and snake bite extractor kit – always have these essentials on hand and pray to never use it!
I have hunted around 25 years without this type of device, I thought I didn't need the newest "gimmick" that had hit the hunting market. Then, I had a ton of my bow hunting buddies convince me I needed to try it. Now, after hunting three seasons with the Ozonics, I never hunt without it! I've had deer downwind more times than not, and they never even go on alert. I still can't believe it... This product is amazing, I promise you won't be disappointed!
Per my wife …. Make sure you have snacks and water. Unwrap snacks out of their original packaging into baggy or snack bag if bow hunting to keep discrete and quiet. High in protein help hold you over.
Let me know some of your hunting “musts” – and thanks for stopping by! - Cory Kruse